Healthier In Class
Prebiotic, Lower Sugar, Higher Cocoa, Nutrient Enhancing Additives
We compared the ingredients and the nutritional information, of this brand vis a vis 5 other leading brands of the same class. This information was obtained from the listings on "" and "Big" (Data on file) We found this brand to be at the top end group of low sugar (sugar substitutes not considered) and nutritional quality chocolates. A detailed list of our observations is provided.
Health Highlights
1. Lower Sugar Content-
Helpful in weight management. The total sugar content in the brand's chocolates is at the lower end of the spectrum of the popular chocolate brands evaluated by us and a few SKUs had the lowest amongst all chocolates evaluated by us in the class.
2. Dietary Fiber (FOS) -
This brand's chocolate contains FOS extracted from natural sources. FOS may aid in digestion and lower the glycemic index of the chocolate, thus enhancing its nutritional value.
3. Addition of Teff, Quinova-like high nutritional value additives - Depending upon the number and percentage of such additives in the chocolates, the amount of protein and other healthy nutrients may be enhanced in the chocolate.
4. No Vegetable Oil Used -
This brand's chocolates do not use any vegetable oil in the manufacturing process, instead, cocoa butter is used. This a mark of good quality premium chocolate. Companies use vegetable oil to drive down the costs of chocolate, however, vegetable oil can't match up to a suitable substitution for cocoa butter because the latter has many health benefits.​
Cocoa butter protects the anti-oxidant properties of chocolates and does not raise the levels of cholesterol over regular consumption.
5. Cocoa content matches the range required for dark chocolate -
This brand's chocolates have an average cocoa content of 56%. Dark chocolate contains 50-90% cocoa solids, cocoa butter, and sugar, whereas milk chocolate contains anywhere from 10-50% cocoa solids, cocoa butter, milk in some form, and sugar. Dark chocolate contains up to 2-3 times more flavanol-rich cocoa solids than milk chocolate.
Flavanols in chocolate can increase insulin sensitivity in short-term studies; in the long run, this could reduce the risk of diabetes. They have also been shown to reduce blood pressure and have a cardio-protective effect.
​Having an occasional chocolate treat should not cause stress or guilt, regardless of whether it is antioxidant-rich dark chocolate or white chocolate with limited nutritional benefits. Just like in most healthy relationships, maintaining a positive and balanced outlook is crucial.
Health Focus
Class Caution
Sweetened chocolate consumption should be monitored.
Having an occasional chocolate treat should not cause stress or guilt, especially when it is antioxidant-rich dark chocolate. Just like in most healthy relationships, maintaining a positive and balanced outlook is crucial. We should all limit our free sugar intake to 30g, equal to 7 cubes or 7 tsp of sugar, for children over 11 and adults.
If you need some additional help or have a medical condition like diabetes, or are considering giving chocolates to your children, or have trouble controlling what you eat, consider seeking help from a registered dietitian, nutritionist or other qualified health professional.
Product Details
1. Official Brand Name of the Product/s - Lil'Goodness Teff Crackle 72% Dark Chocolate, Prebiotic Chocolate Supergrain Crackle, Prebiotic Dark Chocolate, Prebiotic Fruit and Nut Chocolate, Prebiotic Dark Orange Peel Chocolate, Assorted Prebiotic Nutshots
2. Country Regulatory Approval - FSSAI Approved 11219333002184, India
3. Brand Owners - Happytizers Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560035
4. Manufactured By - Buttercup Chocolate Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560068
Transparency Statement
1. Assessment is done by: Nutrition and Medical Team at Obesity International
2. Month/Year of Assessment - March 2023
3. Assessment Fees Charged, if Any - None
4. Logistics, Comparator Purchase, Field Visit/s, Admin and Processing Charges Per SKU, If Any - $79
5. Information Source - Public listings on, Details and Information received from Happytizers Pvt Ltd and certified labs. No factory visits or nutritional checks were independently performed by Better for Health + Insitute at Obesity International
6. Conflict of Interest Declaration, If any - Obesity International has no declared conflict of interest with Lil Goodness or any other comparator brand.
7. Grievance Redressal - Any person or entity wishing to know further information about the comparison or wishing to submit any additional information may do so at