Together For A Healthier Weight

A Mindset Change In Obesity Management
Obesity has assumed epidemic proportions in many countries across the world. The problem has both health and psychological ramifications for the individual, and severe financial and loss of productivity ramifications for society.
Obesity has been ingrained in the minds of the general public and many of the medical profession as a lifestyle condition that can be corrected simply by exerting willpower.
But, during the last 25 years or so, particularly in the last decade, there has been steady progress toward the acknowledgment that obesity is a disease by itself, not just a risk factor for diseases like type 2 diabetes.
An Urgent, But Neglected Health Need
A healthy body weight, good nutrition, and physical activity can help prevent or manage serious and chronic cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.
A healthy weight can also help reduce the risk of certain lung and sleep conditions, such as asthma and sleep apnea.
From an Individual and Public Health Perspective, there is an urgent need to provide scientific guidance to prevent, manage and reverse obesity.

Who We Are And What Do We Want
Obesity International is a not-for-profit initiative set up with an unrestricted grant from doctors and public health professionals based in the United States, India, and Australia with a common desire to reduce the burden of obesity on the individual and the society.
Preventing and Reversing
Obesity Scientifically
Our goal is to:
Monitor research on obesity and translate findings into strategies to prevent or treat obesity and its health consequences.
Commission research and fund the development of tools that can improve the standard of care for obesity.
Create a cadre of health care professionals, who are equipped to educate the public about ways to prevent and treat obesity.
Obesity International collaborates with a range of partners to advance research and awareness related to obesity, nutrition, and physical activity.